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Your Insurance Newsletter

Welcome… the Your Insurance Agent Newsletter Enrollment Site.  We have developed this site to guide you through the steps to place your order for Your Insurance.
This process will take less than 15 minutes to complete.   Read the following overview and click start at the bottom of this page.

1   Login
The site works like a wizard.  The first step, which you've already done, is to establish who you are.  Welcome Joe Agent.  Please read this Welcome page and click "Start Here" button at the bottom of this page.

2   Personal Information

Next you'll confirm that your personal information is correct.  You'll be able to change your address, designations and other information to be used in the newsletter. You'll also be asked to confirm that the photograph and signature we have on file is correct.
3   Article Choices
Here you will make article selections that you would like your newsletters to contain. There are three article sections, choose one article for each section.
4    Mailing Process
The client list will be handled differently than in the past, so please read carefully:

You can select customers to receive the newsletter by reviewing your client list in this section.  Initially, all customers will be selected for newsletter mailing. You can deselect anyone you do not wish to receive the newsletter. The clients you deselect will remain unselected for future issues unless you change them, so this is a one time, important process. You do not need to download a list or save the file. 

SAMPLES (Extra newsletters)
Samples (extra newsletters you receive at your office and mail or hand out yourself) may be ordered in addition to your mailed newsletters or you may select to receive samples only.
5   Prospect Maintenance    
This feature is for mailing to prospective clients. You can either upload a current prospect file with name and address information or enter prospects individually in this step. You will have the ability to update your prospects continuously.
6   Summary and Order Placement
Finally, this page summarizes your selections and confirms the data and order you are about to submit.  Once you have accepted the terms of the order and acknowledge the Commission Charge, your order is complete.  Your Insurance Newsletter will be shipping in 3 – 6 weeks. You must click the "finalize" button to place your order.

The customer newsletter program is ongoing. Once you are enrolled into the program, you will remain in the program and customers will receive newsletters four times a year unless you “un-enroll.”

Before each newsletter is published, you will have an opportunity to select optional articles. You can manage your mailing list any time throughout the year.   If you have participated in previous issues this year and do not approve and finalize this order, your newsletter will be mailed to your previous clients using the agent information, photo and signature appearing on this site.
Thank you for your Insurance Newsletter order.  If you have questions regarding your order please feel free to contact Support at 312 375-0497.


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